Driving through great scenaries of trees hugging the road to opening vistas of farmlands, occasional horses and lots of 18 wheelers. Here on Route 80 their are semi's, semi's with 2 trailers and some 'triples' with 3 trailers behind them. Only a few states allow these triples and most of I80 is this way. So far light traffic and only a few construction zones. We're breezing through. The skies are filled with mixed blues and patches of mostly white (multiple) cloud formations.
We are spending the night just east of Gary Indiana at a place called La Porte. We are staying right across from a gorgeous lake with interesting wildflowers a few miles off the interstate. Jocelyne found a great place and rate from a brochure at a rest stop - she opened the page to the perfect spot.
By the end of the day we drove about 350+ miles. That puts us about 860 miles west from Manchester, CT. We are right on schedule.